Wednesday, June 5, 2024

A Flowering: Non-Finito

A Flowering: Non-Finito


The lilacs are succumbing to rust &

their perfume is thinning.  Today

it is giving rain.  Maybe the river


has risen in the night & we’re fitting

the barricades of stone and sand

in a lull between storms. 


Maybe what’s coming is nothing

but sun & maybe the mouths &

throats of the changing will (with


the help of a breath of low wind) turn

their faces to us & offer the water

on their faces to the old star


that burns & churns & turns,

that coaxes and explodes & coaxes

us close to it like 

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see, it's this specific

  see, it’s this specific    seed, with the monarch’s need having ceased, with all that sap tapped   having been dipped ...